Digital Images are electronic snapshots taken of a scene or scanned from documents, such as photographs, manuscripts, printed texts, and artwork. The digital image is sampled and mapped as a grid of dots or picture elements (pixels). Each pixel is assigned a tonal value (black, white, shades of gray or color), which is represented in binary code (zeros and ones).

The binary digits (“bits”) for each pixel are stored in a sequence by a computer and often reduced to a mathematical representation (compressed). The bits are then interpreted and read by the computer to produce an analog version for display or printing.

As digital imaging grows, it is driving up demand for storage capacity for three reasons: high definition (HD) cameras produce denser images, data retention polices require longer term storage of images and video, and data replication multiplies images as business seek to protect valuable archives. As archives grow, storage performance must keep pace so that valuable files are accessible at all times.

Faster Retrieval of Images and Video Files

Customer Benefits


To learn more – contact sales at Sunstar Company (online) or call 800.663.5523