Active archives became a more mainstream best practice in 2014.
Businesses and organizations are recognizing the value of active archives in addressing their overall long-term storage needs. Here’s a look at what’s to come according to some of the industry’s top storage experts: Advanced Data Tape Will Carry More of the Storage Load With all th innovation occurring in the tape market, the pieces are […]
Drowning in Backup?

Active Archive Is the Lifeboat We all need to protect our data. Businesses typically have to back it up, and there are hundreds of backup solutions out there. Why then, do so many storage administrators say that managing backup data is their biggest challenge? As data continues to grow, content is lodged in backup cycles, […]
Nexsan Assureon

A recent survey inĀ Storage MagazineĀ asked the question, “What’s the main reason you archive data?” The responses showed that 29 percent of respondents archive data to manage disk capacity, 23 percent to meet government regulations and 11 percent in case of potential litigation. These responses mark a shift from just a few years ago, when the […]