Not all data was created equally!
The data you create, maintain and destroy will have different use cases. Some of these use cases will involve the near daily access of this data, but in most cases the data is never accessed again until some event triggers its restoration need. Structured and Unstructured Data. For the most part, structured data refers to […]
Imation unveils fortified data security for archive storage
OAKDALE, Minn.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Oct. 9, 2014– Imation (NYSE:IMN), a global data storage and information security company, today announced that it has introduced a way for IT administrators to better ensure data security in their archive storage. The new Nexsan Assureon™ 8.0 secure archive storage system, which is now generally available to the market, contains features and functionality that significantly boost system […]
Drowning in Backup?

Active Archive Is the Lifeboat We all need to protect our data. Businesses typically have to back it up, and there are hundreds of backup solutions out there. Why then, do so many storage administrators say that managing backup data is their biggest challenge? As data continues to grow, content is lodged in backup cycles, […]
Nexsan Assureon archive

The Nexsan Assureon™ is an archive system that is ideal for primary storage optimization and the secure long-term retention of files. Assureon offloads data from primary storage to free up space for active data and greatly reduces the size, cost and complexity of backups. Stringent data integrity features like file-fingerprinting ensure the file you save […]
Nexsan Assureon

The Nexsan Assureon™ is an archive system that is ideal for primary storage optimization, regulatory and corporate compliance, and the secure, long-term retention of files. Assureon offloads data from primary storage to free up space for active data and greatly reduces the size, cost and complexity of backups. Security features comply with corporate and governmental regulatory requirements including HIPAA, SOX and SEC-17. Stringent data integrity features […]
Cloud data backup

Investing in a cloud data backup service is one of the best decisions any business owner can make. A natural disaster could hit your town and destroy your systems, an employee could spill a drink on her computer and destroy it or someone could steal your equipment, but backing up data in the cloud makes […]
Long term archive – ideal for medical PACS, documents, files, emails and more

Retain and Track your high value data! The Nexsan Assureon is an archive storage offering that guarantees the integrity of this data at all times.