Imation’s Nexsan NST6000

Imation’s Nexsan NST6000 along with NestOS 3.0 is highly scalable unified storage solution in a compact footprint that uses a caching technology called FASTier® to accelerate reads and writes I/O requests. FASTier intelligently and automatically moves data through solid-state and spinning disk to speed your virtual and cloud environments. Built with the time-constrained IT administrator […]

Nexsan NST Hybrid Storage

Imation’s Nexsan® NST® combines high performance, high capacity and Imation’s innovative FASTier® caching technology to provide scalable performance for mixed application workloads and virtualized environments. NST fulfills changing application and storage needs with unified NAS and SAN access capabilities in a single hybrid solution. This lets you right-size your initial acquisition by scaling storage, performance, or both as […]

Nexsan NST6000

Enterprise Classs Unified Hybrid Storage- fully unified, enterprise-class, unified hybrid storage solution that simultaneously supports block and file traffic eliminating the need for organizations to invest in separate SAN and NAS storage systems. The Nexsan NST6000 unified storage system is the newest member of the NST family, offering new high performance controllers and an expanded […]