All Oracle StorageTek LTO Tape Drives are library specific, requiring firmware and the appropriate tray for your Oracle / Sun / StorageTek Tape Library, In addition it is best to match drives, this is preferred by Oracle. Please indicate of you prefer IBM or HP Drives. Contact us online or call us at (800) 663-5523 or (310) […]
StorageTek LTO Tape Drives
Reconditioned IBM and HP LTO Tape Drives for your StorageTek Tape Library Sunstar Company offers reconditioned StorageTek (STK) LTO Tape Drives for your STK Library. STK LTO6 Tape Drives: IBM and HP STK LTO5 Tape Drives: IBM and HP STK LTO4 Tape Drives: IBM and HP STK LTO3Tape Drives: IBM and HP STK LTO2 […]
StorageTek Tape Drives

Oracle’s proven StorageTek tape and library solutions help you manage complexity, control costs, and deliver on service-level agreements. With the world’s highest capacity and highest performance drives, including the world’s first exabyte storage system, enterprise tape libraries that provide 24×7 availability, and the most scalable, integrated tiered storage environment, StorageTek tape storage systems enable you […]