SAN, NAS or both?

So you have a need for a SAN – or do you? Clearly sometime a SAN is the right choice, block level storage requirements such as for a database. Then there is often the need for for file based storage, general files that we work on – daily: word, excel etc. In the last three […]

Backup Plan

Technology’s given us some amazing tools to tinker with, but sometimes those tools fail. Maybe your car won’t start while trying to leave for work or your game console freezes after spending two hours reaching that final boss – it happens. As reliable as your hard drive may be, it can fail. In fact, 140,000 hard […]

Drowning in Backup?

Active Archive Is the Lifeboat We all need to protect our data. Businesses typically have to back it up, and there are hundreds of backup solutions out there. Why then, do so many storage administrators say that managing backup data is their biggest challenge? As data continues to grow, content is lodged in backup cycles, […]