
Investing in a cloud data backup service is one of the best decisions any business owner can make. A natural disaster could hit your town and destroy your systems, an employee could spill a drink on her computer and destroy it or someone could steal your equipment, but backing up data in the cloud makes these unfortunate events much more bearable.

Cloud data backup stores existing data in an off-site server, making it available anytime, anywhere you need it. Data is frequently synced or updated, mirroring your system in real time. Cloud data backup not only disaster-proofs your business, but it also can save you tons of time and money in restoring your operations.

Backup to the Cloud

DuracellCloudStorage-Local+Cloud4c                unitrends_logo


Archive to the Cloud

dternity logo         Nexsan_byImation_logo-thumb


Consider the following when choosing a cloud data backup service.