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Dternity Media Cloud is a complete online storage solutionfor the preservation and protection of both physical and digital data archives. Dternity Media Cloud offers the same data protection and simplified approach to archiving as the onsite Dternity NAS appliance, and is fully integrated within Dternity solution.

Typical cloud services are one-size-fits-all. Within these services, affordability, scalability and reliability are often opposing forces that can make building an offsite archive a nightmare. Dternity Media Cloud solves these challenges, providing the cost advantage of traditional vaulting with the accessibility of state-of-the-art cloud storage.

Built-in Preservation

Dternity Media Cloud utilizes unique healing technologies that manage and preserve your data content, with regular integrity checks and self-healing capabilities that ensure your data is always at its best. Dternity Media Cloud lives within Fujifilm’s world-class data centers, which feature SSAE 16 and HIPAA HITECH certification for maximum regulatory compliance. Keeping your data offsite can often require a great deal of trust. With Dternity Media Cloud, you can rest easy knowing that the integrity of your data remains at its highest.

Portal Integration

With Dternity Media Cloud, you have unfettered access to your data at all times. End-users can access their archives using our free portal, which provides them with a constantly updating view of their files and projects. Through the portal, organizations can also reorder Dternity archive media, view usage reports, and retrieve files either online or through traditional shipment.

Unrivaled Accessibility

Dternity Media Cloud provides organizations with many different ways to interact with their archive. Options like VPN and SSL access provide elevated security for online and over the wire access and retrieval, while traditional shipping methods provide organizations with the familiar way in which to upload their data to the cloud. With a 99.99% annual uptime, Dternity Media Cloud is a truly user-friendly online vaulting solution.

Full Flexibility

Dternity Media Cloud adapts to your requirements, with fully-customizable SLAs to address any number of needs. Backed by a Fortune 100 company and enterprise-level customer support, Dternity Media Cloud provides organizations with a truly holistic approach to online storage that works exactly the way it is needed.